Part 1: The Joy of Traveling

One of my favorite things to do in life is to travel. I remember marveling at the sense of freedom i felt on my first trips as a young adult, looking out the plane’s portholes. From one place to the other, when you fly in the clouds, your mind works differently; it’s introspective. At least in my case, something is ON.

Traveling is a chance to reflect, pause, and assess. The effort it takes to get myself together before i leave, including making decisions about what to bring and what to put away, creates a sense of urgency that helps me move forward. I come back with greater clarity about the next step, ready to move ahead and let go of the obligations that no longer serve me.

And, of course, I’m always looking forward to the experience at my destination:
– reconnecting with my family in France,
– meeting ThetaHealers from around the globe at an in-person teacher training,
– participating with brilliant colleagues as a consultant educator for corporations,
– getting a dose of creative inspiration at a film festival like Cannes or Sundance,
– presenting my short films at a regional film festival like Dallas or Atlanta,
– performing on the stage of the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles and the Miami-Dade Auditorium,
– recording a voiceover software that records in a City other than New York (that was pre-Covid),
– learning with fellow artists in the footsteps of Tennessee Williams in Clarksdale, Mississippi,
– and even auditioning in person for an exciting theater project!

Even though i am tremendously grateful for these experiences, the truth is that i haven’t put too much emphasis on my desire to travel. It’s something that manifested itself in my life naturally, despite the fact that it seemed unrealistic at first. It came as a result of other pursuits.

The view from above, flying back to see my family last month after almost two years (Close to Lyon, France).

Exploring the concept of manifestation in 2005, at the beginning of my ThetaHealing® studies, I was learning to clarify my goals and to co-create a life i can be proud of. Now a mainstream concept, it seemed cutting edge at the time. I eventually completed the complete curriculum, obtaining the Masters and Certificate of Science in ThetaHealing (a certification and training program comprised of about fifty seminars ranging from one day to three weeks, both at the practitioner and instructor levels). I always continued on that path because i liked the energy of it, that I could do it on my own, and the fascinating people you meet along the way.

Setting intentions was always about my creative output as an actress. I remember making lists of dreams, and traveling felt like a utopia, something meant for well-off people but not for me.

Looking back, I notice a disconnect with how I assess my achievements.

Manifesting is meant to move us forward with purpose, prepare us to receive, and clarify which actions are essential. When i review my lists from years past, I may be too harsh on myself. Of course, I haven’t yet been the lead of a feature film or had the chance to perform in a cutting-edge Broadway musical, but i have had so many chances to travel, and it’s something i tend to take for granted.

Here’s another anecdote about how what we find desirable evolves over time.

The first step in studying ThetaHealing is taking a three-day class called Basic DNA, which introduces the technique’s practice and terminology. One of the exercises is to connect intuitively with a guardian angel. It was twenty years ago, and I remember a classmate sharing with me, “It makes your angels happy when you sing,” and casually thought, “What-ever…” and moved on to the other class exercises.

It is fascinating that the idea of singing wasn’t even tickling my interest at the time, given how much it has become part of my identity. In 2005, even though i had been taking opera lessons for some time, I didn’t think of myself as a singer. It was twenty years ago, and I only started to sing professionally in 2011, producing my solo show with a band of Jazz musicians at the Triad Theater in New York City. The inspiration, conversations, and mentorships that got me where I am as a musician would come in their own time.

“A big part of becoming who you are meant to be has to do with listening.”
– Flo

One of the things I have noticed, is that some of the clients and students learning with me may think of accomplishing their manifestations as a means to feel validated – and the other way around: not seeing the manifestation materialize itself becomes a sadistic opportunity to torture themselves… thinking they are not enough, and therefore putting their nervous system under pressure to find the motivation to excel. That is so last century, we can be more gracious with ourselves!

Manifesting is more about learning to be in the driver’s seat, prepared to meet life’s experiences. We can focus on our goals, but life is a complete unknown, so it’s also important to let yourself recognize the incredible experiences life has already given you. To find contentment and the feeling of realization, we can transform how we think so that our drive and motivation come from a place of fulfillment.

I love when my teacher Vianna, who created the ThetaHealing technique, says that once you have discernment on your relationships, recognizing the people who have earned your trust, you can then “leave your manifestation in the Creator’s capable hands” and that the universe – the Creator “knows your heart.” Somehow, it is a great comfort to know that I can work on myself and trust the energy being brought to me to align with my diving timing. As I go through life, I can become more aware of what moves me.

When you’ve done your personal development homework, you can start to trust the events of your life.

Traveling is a way for me to become open-minded to different ways of thinking and living. It can be a formative experience for any artist: traveling teaches me to be compassionate to my audience and create a deeper connection with them. My intuitive training allows me to sense the wisdom and history of each place, tuning in to the land and the memories of the water. Being intuitive and exposed to people from all over the world through my studies and teaching practice has been magical in helping me grow and expand my understanding of myself and the world.

But wait a minute: if I write that traveling is my favorite, how can my list of manifestations have more to do with becoming the artist and leader or my couple and family? Am i forgetting to manifest the magic of travels as an essential part of what brings me joy?

If you need some inspiration to fine-tune your New Year manifestations, here are some downloads:


– Would you like to know what it’s like to prioritize discovery and adventure?
– Would you like to know how to recognize that you already have created amazing things?
– Would you like to know that your long-term dreams are special and possible and that you can be patient with letting things unfold in the highest and best?

If so, say yes.

➤ Would you share below what makes traveling your favorite, or an anecdote about a trip that was formative and made you more of who you are: