Morning Habits to Support your Health

The interesting thing about teaching healing practitioners is that as you help others, you get to improve yourself. Coming from a dance background, and raised connected to nature, I have developed over the years a relationship to my body and movement that has been an on-going experimentation towards optimum health. Some people are brought to healing because of a diagnosis that makes a lifestyle change inevitable. Perhaps I have a great health because of my genes, or it may be because I have always been interested in improving myself that way. Regardless of why, I find myself fortunate to be teaching. I feel that I have to walk the talk, so it’s a really great incentive to stay motivated and make progress.

Working with my health and body is an empowering experience and it has made me more confident in different aspects of my life, knowing that I can be pro-active about my health and that I can improve my figure when I want to.

Coming up soon are two ThetaHealing classes that help with your knowledge of the body: Rhythm towards a Perfect Body, and Intuitive Anatomy. It provides information and practical exercises, including how to detox the different body systems, which can also increase your spiritual power.

In the meantime, I thought I’d share some soft and natural remedies, that you can implement into your everyday lifestyle. A simple gesture to nurture your health in addition to the belief work so you can cleanse from the inside out.

Green Clay

Growing up in the countryside, one of the natural self-care rituals my mother introduced me to is drinking a glass of French Green Clay in the morning. Also known as bentonite clay, its absorption properties facilitate the detoxification of the body and rejuvenates the skin. Before going to bed, you prepare two table spoons of clay and cover with fresh water. When you wake up, you stir the powder from the bottom of the glass with a wooden spoon (you always want to avoid handling clay with plastic or metal because of its absorbing properties). Make sure to eat light, without lipids in the few hours following ingestion. Tip: If you happen to be in a lightly polluted area, or in an emergency situation, green clay may be helpful to purify water of excess of heavy metals, toxins or radiation.

Organic Noni

Noni is a powerful plant. I get the Organic Hawaiian Noni. When I first tried it I found it to be soft – yet so deep. It brought back old patterns and belief systems that were being detoxified through my skin. At first I thought the taste was appalling, but now I got used to it and I love it. Because of how deep it works, you can do a week or two of a shot of the dark green beverage in the morning. Making sure to eat a balanced diet with plenty of raw ingredients to keep the digestion light and rich in fibers. Do not take if you are currently being treated with antibiotics. Taking this plant might be a great supplement to ignite profound belief work, as it brings up issues that are ready to clear. I love the second plane of existence!

Diatomaceous Earth

This powder high in silica is made from fossil algae, and has recently become popular as a dietary supplement. I tried Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth for several months and am happy with the results. Take it on an empty stomach, one teaspoon in a glass of water. It helps cleanse the digestive tract, and removes the heavy metals from water. It is important to not inhale the silica as it will irritate your lungs. Make sure to get high quality and edible Diatomaceous Earth (it can also be used against parasites for gardening). Somehow it’s easier to get in the US than Green Clay, so it may become my go to remedy!

Apple Cider Vinegar

I knew I was writing this article a few months back, I was only using apple cider vinegar to rinse my hair after shampoo… and I decided to give it a try as a morning health supplement. I decided on a table spoon of Organic Apple Cider Vinegar in a warm glass of water. The warmth feels nice on the body, and I wait 20 minutes before having another beverage. Some people say use it with lemon juice, and I might be retro, but I don’t like the idea of cooking my enzymes and vitamins from the lemon. But is warm water really killing my lemon… maybe it’s just an excuse because I find it hard to keep a fresh lemon in the fridge. For now I like Apple Cider Vinegar. It’s like having tea, and I will get my lemon fix and it’s amazing healing properties for my yearly master cleanse 🙂

➤ What has worked for you?
Let me know if you’ve tried any morning habits or have insights that may benefit others!